The Celestial Pearl Danio (Danio margaritatus), often referred to as the Galaxy Rasbora, is a popular freshwater fish known for its vibrant colors and small size. These fish are highly sought after by aquarium enthusiasts due to their stunning appearance and relatively straightforward care requirements. They are a schooling fish and look like a school of miniature trout so it's best to get at least half a dozen though the schooling effect looks more impressive with larger numbers.
Care is pretty easy as they can handle a wide range of temperatures and PH as long as they don't get to extreme: 65-80f and 6-8ph. They prefer clean water in a planted tank but can survive in most community tropical tanks with no problems. They will take just about any food and tend to eat in the middle grabbing food as it falls down.
While in nature these are found in soft slightly acid water these were bred in our local water which is slightly hard and a Ph that is around 7.5.